East football players Richard Walker and Damian Frasier continue their football careers at Keystone College

The Cherry Hill East boys football team lining up before game. With Richard Walker (’22) number 64 and Damian Frasier (’22) number 27
Richard Walker (’22) and Damian Frasier (’22) have decided to continue their athletic and academic careers after playing football at East for 4 years. Walker and Frasier have been close friends since seventh grade. Frasier started as the catalyst for Walker’s football career.
Frasier has been playing football, primarily as a linebacker, since he was 5 years old. He originally started playing flag football and decided to move up to tackle when he turned 10. Fraiser originally grew up in Philadelphia and played for his local team, The Leprechauns.
Walker began playing football his freshman year of high school, as a center and a defensive tackle, saying, “Damien told me that he’d think that I’d like it, and it turns out I did.” Frasier and Walker’s time at East was marked by a huge improvement in the football team, especially during the past two seasons.
For the recruitment process, Walker reached out to Keystone College football coaches and sent them the footage. Frasier met the coaches at Keystone during a scouting camp with 50+ colleges that he attended. The coaches at Keystone were highly interested in both player’s football film and invited them down for visits. Walker describes the process as “nerve-racking,” because of the waiting for his acceptance after his two visits. Both Walker and Frasier expressed excitement about playing for Keystone due to Keystone being “a new and developing team that had their first season in the NCAA last year.”
Frasier is currently undecided about his major while Walker has decided to major in Criminal Justice and aspires to work in law enforcement. Both players look back on their athletic career at East with fond memories, “My favorite memory about playing for East is definitely the brother bond that I made with my teammates,” Walker reminisces. Frasier recalls the improvement that the East football team made throughout the years and attributes this to the coaching and hard work the players put in. “I liked playing for East and I’m gonna miss it,” says Frasier. We wish them both good luck in their collegiate career.