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The School Newspaper of Cherry Hill High School East


The School Newspaper of Cherry Hill High School East


The School Newspaper of Cherry Hill High School East


All content by Lauren Winslow ('23)
The month of  October was a wild mix ranging from some sweet small town romances to a reverse harem.

[Photo] October Romance Wrap-Up

Lauren Winslow, Eastside Online Editor-in-Chief
October 31, 2022
Septembers month of reading focused heavily on some angsty small town reads.

[Photo] September Romance Wrap-Up

Lauren Winslow, Online Editor-In-Chief
October 1, 2022
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[Photo] Student Perspectives

Lauren Winslow, Eastside Online Global Commentary Editor
October 28, 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the healthcare community around the world has been overwhelmed by the extreme amount of cases seen on a daily basis.

[Photo] Healthcare perspectives

Jacy Dickstein, Eastside Editor in Chief
October 28, 2021
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