East students decorate Spirit Week booths

Freshman wins Spirit Week booth decorating
November 19, 2015
Large wooden booths adorned the spaces of Cafeteria one and two. These booths are a long standing East tradition, but also an intense competition. The 2015 Spirit Week theme is “Pre-Loaded App,” with the Seniors selecting “Maps,” Juniors choosing “Clock,” Sophomores picking “Weather,” and Freshman deciding on “Weather.” Student artists who created these booths had from 2:30 pm to 10:30 pm, each booth reflected the respective app with a large dose of creativity.
Artists of the respective grades came together to create a one of a kind booth to display in the Cafeteria and to be judged for points. The Seniors booth encompassed their time remaining left at East, as well as a “road map” as a countdown to all the fun Senior events including Senior Trip, Prom and Graduation, some of the artists included, Grace Shen (’16), Leah Downie (’16), Priya Mistry (’16), Spencer Maussner (’16), and Tammy Stahl (’16).
The Junior Class chose the Clock app for their theme, and their booth reflected nicely. The Clock theme was prominent although it was very simple and abstract. It featured the different clock icons within the app being World Clock, Stopwatch, Alarm, and Timer. Some of the many Junior artists included Maddie Phillips (’17), Becca Dubin (’17), Morgan Fox (’17) and Samm Goldstein (’17). The booth also had a “Time to Donate” slogan on the donation box, in a clever saying mentioning the canned food donation that takes place during Spirit Week.
Sophmores took a creative approach into designing their booth. Only being their second time having an experience like this, the artists all collaborated together to create a Weather themed booth. The booth incorporated events such as thunderstorms on one pannel, with a large rainbow sprawling out over the top of the booth. The Sophomores flaunted talented artists including Maddie Levin (’18) and Rose Ni (’18), who both greatly contributed to a large portion of the booth. Lightning, thunder, and snow were all a big part of this display. On the donation pannel, a colorful image was created with the cans floating on the bottom as part of a rainstorm, as an innuendo to students to donate cans.
The Freshman came into this competition with a serious disadvantage considering they have never designed a spirit week booth before. However, they certainly did not dissapoint with their “News” themed booth. The booth was designed as a Newsstand, with many snacks lining the bottom of the booth, just like you would find at a stand in the city. Many magazine covers were displayed from various magazines as well as copies of The Philadelphia Inquirer. The Freshman created serious competition with other grades with talented artists, Julia Bennedetto (’19), Julia Langmuir (’19), Jacob Manders (’19), Sam Serata (’19), Sophia Gross (’19) and Adam Dashevsky (’19) were some of the many artists. Along the sides of the booth were plastered on copies of Eastside, as a way to bring school spirit to the booth, as well as taking the first place spot.
The standings for the booth decorating contest are Freshman followed by Sophomores, Seniors and Juniors.