Students bang heads for spirit week points


Students rock their heads to the beat of the music.

Jenna Wilson, Eastside Editor-in-Chief

On Friday, November 21 the first lunch time game of the 2014 spirit week occurred. The game was held during Lunch/Break 1 and Lunch/Break 2 in Cafeteria 1. After Mr. Davis chose one representative from each class, the game began. The representatives had to stand on the platform in the Cafeteria 1 and place a headband on their head, which had a pedometer in it. The contestants then had to shake their head in tune with rock music. Whoever was able to shake their head the most in one minute won the game.

Lunch Break 1, Mike Kueny represented the seniors, Tommy Trieu represented the juniors, Jaylen Musgrove represented the sophomores and Frankie Stulb represented the freshmen. Kueny proved victorious, and the seniors came away with the win. The sophomores took second, followed by the freshmen in third and the juniors in fourth.

Lunch Break 2, Jazlyn Velasquez represented the seniors, Nhan Duong  represented the juniors, Alyson Skloff represented the sophomores and Liam Collins represented the freshmen. The juniors made a comeback by winning the Lunch/Break 2 game. The sophomores took second, followed by the freshmen in third and the seniors in fourth.

For photos of this event, check out Eastside’s Facebook Page!