On Friday, May 14, the presidential and vice-presidential candidates for the sophomore class presented their speeches in order to persuade students to vote for them. All sophomores went straight to the auditorium for homeroom and part of first period. The vice presidential candidates are Stephen Bell (’12), Alexa DiPiero (’12), Harrison Kim (’12), Max Cohen (’12) and Jackie Susuni (’12). The presidential candidates are Michael Berkowitz (’12), Adam Charny (’12) and Rachel Gorenstein (’12).
Bell started off the speeches by telling the class that he is a “dedicated person” and “will make it to all of the meetings.” He completed his speech with a promise that all students would be safe under his “wing.”
Cohen took the microphone next with a different approach. “I know some things people take for granted” are “A2 + B2 = C2, and the fact that his basketball skills are “the inverse of [varsity player’s] Marc Schlessel’s skills,” he said. However, “students shouldn’t take their right to vote for granted, even if it means skipping a few minutes of class for those who don’t have a lunch.” He said to, “Just take a minute and go vote.” Cohen concluded with a “Max Cohen fact 2012: Max Cohen is a great choice for your VP 2012.”
DiPiero made the next speech. She perused over the past class memories, such as the spirit week dances and class trips. DiPiero said that when she thinks of what it means to be a leader, some important things come to mind, such as “dedication and being a good listener,” qualities that she believes she possesses. She wants to see more students involved in activities. She concluded by saying, “When it comes to Cherry Hill East, I am a proud member of our class.”
Kim then approached the mic, as he proceeded to try to adjust it for his tall height. He warned students not to be “intimidated by his good looks and chiseled physique.” He went on to discuss class activities that he has had a hand in planning as an SGA representative, claiming that the sophomore “class dance was a hit.” Kim promised that he will “make sure everyone’s voice is heard” by accomplishing two goals, to “create a comfortable environment” and “make school memorable.”
Last vice-presidential candidate, Susuni presented her speech. She said that she “currently serves as a representative for the class of 2012 and a lower-classmen president of East in Action, [a student-run community service club]”. She plans to “put her leadership qualities to work,” “use her qualities to create innovative ideas for class apparel and prom,” and “plans to do whatever it takes to be a good vice president.”
Next up were the presidential candidates: Berkowitz, Charny, and Gorenstein. Berkowitz said his speech first, stating his various good qualities, such as being approachable, as he claims he has had a conversation with “at least 85 percent of [the sophomore] class.” He said that if the class votes for him as president, he “promises to make the class the best it could be.”
Next up was Charny. He said that he “wants the last two years of high school to be fun,” and “enough watching, more doing,” when it comes to activities such as the spirit week dance. Charny concluded by telling the class that he is a “good talker,” but also a “good listener.”
Last was Gorenstein, who described herself as respectful, hardworking, and dedicated. She said that there is a “huge problem with SGA officers and communication with members of the class. We need more communication.” She concluded by saying, “As a class, we can accomplish anythings.”
Don’t forgot to vote on Thursday, May 19!