East welcomes the newest guidance counselor

Angelina Witting (’22)

Mrs. Vavra sits at her new desk in her office.

Most high school guidance counselors get the opportunity to form unique bonds with each of their students over the course of their high school careers. Mrs. Michelle Vavra, on the other hand is trying to get to know her over two-hundred students in only four months.

Vavra is the replacement for Dr. Lynch, who has recently retired, and she will be filling in from April to the end of the school year. She has previously been to two schools as a long term fill in, both due to maternity leaves. She explained this is her first experience in which the counselor who came in before her will not be returning.

At both of her previous schools, one in which she was there from February of 2017 to the end of the 2018 school year and the other from October 2018 to March of this year, Vavra had met with each student that has fallen under her guidance and she enjoys getting to know each and every one of her students.

“I knew everybody on my caseload, [I] made sure we met at least once if not more… I like to know people’s names and faces and anything they want to share with me.” said Vavra.

At East, after only four and a half days, Vavra had already met with 37 students. She explained she began with her seniors to confirm college decisions, or discuss plans after high school if a student decided against college. Then she moved to her freshman to recap their freshman year and anything they may do differently come sophomore year. Then, she goes to her juniors to talk about SATs and prepping for senior year. Lastly, her sophomores which she explains are her favorite because there isn’t anything too serious happening with them and not any major decisions to make.

Even though Vavra has only done long term substituting, she isn’t opposed to a permanent position at a school.

“I really do like going getting to go from district to district because I get to see how it is done in different school, but I think I would like being in a permanent position,” said Vavra

One thing Vavra would like all her students to know is how excited she is to meet them. “Just come see me, I’m friendly my doors open if you need me I wanna get to know you guys,” said Vavra.

Although the permanent replacement for Dr. Lynch still remains unknown, Mrs. Vavra is going to spend her time here getting know each student assigned to her and plans to form unique relationships with each of them.