Brynn Wilson advances to next level pageant despite COVID-19 restrictions

Brynn Wilson ('22)

Wilson has worked hard to be crowned Miss Junior Teen third runner-up at the National American Miss pageant.

For junior Brynn Wilson (‘22), pageantry seems to come naturally. After competing in pageants for just two years, Wilson was crowned Miss Junior Teen 3rd runner up at the National American Miss (NAM) Pageant in Orlando, Florida this past November.
After placing first in her state level pageant in September, Wilson qualified for the national pageant. The state level pageant took place in Virginia and included girls from New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. Each of the states present crowned a state level winner who would move on to the national pageant.
Since COVID-19, the pageant scene has been very different.
“I knew the minute I stepped onto my state pageant in 2018 that I wanted to continue doing this no matter what the circumstances were. The universe really tested me with that this year,” said Wilson.
As far as safety precautions, girls were not permitted to take photos touching each other and masks had to be worn at all times with the exception of in the hotel room and when competing on stage. At the national pageant, hotel restaurants were closed to maximize the safety of staff and competitors. Backstage, the girls had to remain six feet apart. In order to make this distancing possible, the size of the stage was increased, which Wilson felt was a nice addition to the pageant. In lieu of all of these precautions, the NAM pageant had no COVID cases.
Wilson performed the song “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman while simultaneously signing the lyrics, a talent that won her first runner up for the talent portion.
As for her platform, Wilson has changed it from the previous year. Her new platform, “grow your own way”, is a workbook she created when she was fifteen years old. Wilson wrote this workbook for students who, like herself, deal with learning disabilities.
“When I was eight years old I was first diagnosed with four out of the five most common learning disabilities. At that point I was told I wouldn’t be able to become a teacher, the same profession I want to have to this day,” said Wilson.
Wilson’s workbook goes through what an IEP is, 504s and teaches kids how to advocate for themselves.
“[This book] helps kids realize they’re not alone in this situation and they can look at me as a mentor,” “it just makes me so happy doing pageants and being able to spread my platform,” said Wilson.
Currently, Wilson is preparing for the Miss New Jersey Teen USA Pageant in April. This is a big change for Wilson as she will be moving up from competing as a junior teen, to a normal teen. Also, she will be moving from the National American Miss pageant circuit, to now the Miss Universe pageant circuit. If Wilson wins first in the state this coming April, she will move to compete for the Miss Teen USA title. Wilson works with pageant coach, Shayla Montgomery, who won first runner up at the 2020 Miss Teen USA pageant.
The jump between junior teen to teen is one of the biggest jumps in pageantry. Wilson will now compete in a fitness category and she can be asked political questions during her interview. As part of her preparations, Wilson will have to drastically change her diet along with her exercise habits to obtain the figure needed for a state title holder.
“I am a vegetarian currently, but that is going to have to change because I need to build muscle and you need protein to do that,” said Wilson.
Wilson will continue to prepare for her upcoming pageant in the following months, in light of her recent success in the November National American Miss pageant.