Plastic surgery can help improve self-esteem
Plastic surgery can give people the opportunity to feel more confident in their bodies.
The average millennial will take nearly 25,000 selfies in their lifetime. According to MarketWatch, more than 40 percent of facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons said taking selfies on social media was an incentive for all patients to undergo plastic surgery. More than 200,000 of these patients were found to be millennials. Some people, therefore, invest their time and money in temporary cosmetics to conceal their flaws. Plastic surgery, though, can be a permanent fix to the insecurities that negatively affect one’s daily life. You can go to the site go to url and ask experts on the same.
In today’s society, confidence is an essential ingredient to happiness. Teenagers are constantly reminded of the pressure to look a certain way. Although the importance of loving one’s natural beauty is indispensable, it should not be condemned to boost love for oneself by changing the root of their insecurities.
Experiencing low self-esteem as a result of a physical attribute that a person is not happy with can impact many aspects of their life. If getting lip fillers, breast implants, or cellulaze in Manhattan can stimulate more self-confidence, by all means, one should participate in such actions.
The widely popular TV Personality and Entrepreneur, Kylie Jenner, revealed on an episode of her show, “Life of Kylie”, that she received lip injections due to the name calling and bullying she endured during her adolescence that caused her to feel undesirable. Jenner constantly expresses her gratitude towards lip injections which increased her levels of self-confidence that eventually assisted in the development of her multi-million dollar Lipkit company.
Dr. Arthur Shektman – Plastic Surgeon in Boston says along with the increase of self-confidence, the social lives of the patients can significantly improve. If the patients were self-conscious enough to go under the knife, there is a high chance that their social lives were negatively impacted through their ability to make relationships with others. This new-found confidence can transform a shy individual into a “social butterfly” due to the lack of anxiety and insecurity. The trickle down effect is one of the most beneficial outcomes of plastic surgery. Most individuals have witnessed the trickle down effect, if not experienced it themselves. A person can undergo a makeover, begin a diet, or any other rewarding action of this sort, and instantly feel as if everything in their life receives an upgrade as well.
To connect this trickle-down effect to plastic surgery procedures, satisfied patients see enormous benefits in nearly every detail in their lives. When you look good through surgery, about which you can learn here, you feel good. And when you feel good, your whole attitude and approach towards life is changed for the better.
Ayesha • Jun 5, 2021 at 3:44 pm
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Bekah • Dec 30, 2020 at 5:59 pm
Thank you so much for saying this. Im so tired of seeing endless judgemental articles about how ageing is supposed to be liberating and that youre suddenly supposed to get more confident when you lose your looks. How is becoming ugly and invisible supposed to make me feel good about myself? Im tired of all these self righteous hypocritical people judging women for wanting to look good, and Im sick of them always being portrayed in the media as selfish, vacuous villains. Ageing is incredibly traumatic and can ruin lives-the last thing people need is to be judged and shamed for feeling bad about it. Well done for speaking the TRUTH!!!
breast lift surgery philadelphia pa • Jan 8, 2020 at 11:15 am
With the increase of social media, many young people are getting an unrealistic impression of what they should look like. This will only lead to more cosmetic surgery in the future. Thanks for sharing.
Anonymous • Oct 15, 2019 at 12:40 am
This is a very interesting article. But I believe the self-esteem should focus more on the inner-space.
Scott Engel, MD • Nov 26, 2018 at 3:14 pm
Excellent article. Well done! As a plastic surgeon, I couldn’t agree more. Patient confidence and overall health is significantly changed for the better. I see this on a daily basis. Congratulations on a beautifully written article.