Remy Abrams (’21)

Delicious toffee matzah fresh from the refrigerator.

Chocolate Toffee Matzah


  1. Preheat oven to 357 degrees (this is not a typo…really 357 degrees)
  2. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil, then parchment paper
  3. Lay 4-6 pieces of matzah in pan, filling in spaces to completely cover bottom of pan
  4. Melt margarine/butter and brown sugar in a pan until it comes to a boil, stirring constantly
  5. Once it comes to a boil, stir for 3 minutes
  6. Pour margarine/butter and sugar mixture over matzah and place in the oven
  7. IMMEDIATELY reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees
  8. Bake for approximately 15 minutes (make sure it is not burning. If it starts to burn, remove from oven and reduce temperature to 325 degrees)
  9. Remove from oven and sprinkle the chocolate chips on the top
  10. Let it sit for around 5 minutes and then spread the melted chocolate chips over matzah
  11. Cut while warm
  12. Keep refrigerated

Enjoy…but not too fast or you will need to go through this entire process again.

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