East soccer player Caroline Perry commits to Albright College

Caroline Perry ('22) playing soccer for the Cherry Hill East girls soccer team.

Courtesy of Caroline Perry (’22)

Caroline Perry (’22) playing soccer for the Cherry Hill East girls soccer team.

Since pre-school, Caroline Perry (’22) has loved playing soccer so it came as no surprise that the sport would be an important factor in her college decision. Perry has been a significant contributor on the soccer field for the Cougars during her 4 years at East. She is known for playing strong defense, demonstrating leadership skills, and always supporting her teammates. This fall, Perry committed to play soccer at Albright College.

Perry is grateful for all of the coaches in her life that have helped her reach her goals. She is quick to attribute her success on the field to her East and club coaches. She is also thankful for her parents who she calls her “biggest supporters.”

Playing high school sports is a big-time commitment, but she would not have it any other way. She enjoys the long hours spent practicing and playing games with her teammates. Through soccer, Perry has made great memories and lifelong friendships.

“I love having those friends and creating the bond because you do get so close to people. You can’t really get anything like that doing anything else,” said Perry.

Perry’s ability to motivate others is appreciated by her teammates. They know they can count on her for advice on the field and encouragement. She is also a versatile player with a skill set that allows her to play defense for East and outside midfield for her club team, Deptford Premier.

Katie Quarry, a close friend, has been her teammate since 3rd grade. Quarry enjoys playing with Perry at East and with their club team. Quarry appreciates Perry’s great sense of humor and her ability to get along with her teammates. She brings positivity to both teams.

“This year she was one of the best leaders on the team in my opinion. She played in the back and she would be helping everyone…just cheering everyone on and bringing their spirits up,” said Quarry.

After Covid restrictions caused a shortened soccer season during her junior year, Perry was thankful that sports were more normal for her senior year. She appreciated the opportunity to finish her high school soccer career representing East in games with some of her closest friends. One of her favorite memories this year was when East beat Lenape in overtime at an away game on Lenape’s senior night.

When not on the soccer field Perry can be found participating in several other school activities. She serves as an officer for Women in Sports, is a member of Athletes against Bullying, and plays basketball for East.

Perry considers herself fortunate to have taken a tour of Albright, located in Reading, Pennsylvania before Covid shutdowns occurred.

“Both of my parents went to Albright so I went and visited my sophomore year. I loved the campus and got in contact with the coach. It was a long process with Covid. This year he offered me a spot,” said Perry.

After years of hearing enthusiastic stories about her parents’ college experiences at Albright, where her mom was a cheerleader and her dad was a football player, the decision to choose Albright was easy for Perry. At Albright, Perry will continue to play the sport that she loves while pursuing her professional goal of becoming a physical therapist.

Perry is proud to continue the family tradition to become an Albright Lion.