Summer has come, what now?

Alexa Atlas (’22)

Now that summer has come, people are having a difficult time figuring out how to keep busy.

Where do we go from here? This has been a question going through my mind. Summer has come and people are more bored than ever. Many people are bored in the house and continue to look for activities to participate in and places to go. Everyone probably had at least one event this summer that they were looking forward to. but it was cancelled due to the Coronavirus. Overnight camps, day camps, concerts and sports are called off or on hold. While these circumstances are unfortunate, there is nothing that we can do to change the situation. It is hard to comprehend that summer will not be the way everyone pictured it. However, there are still many fun activities inside and out that can keep you occupied this summer.

There are plenty of trails around Cherry Hill to explore such as Kresson Trails, Old Orchard Trails, Bunker Hill Trails and the Downs Farm Trail. People can also take a walk with a friend to catch up. People are even able to go to the beach or the shore for the day. Not only that but, swim clubs have opened up too.

Also, with all of this extra time, it can not hurt to organize that messy closet that you throw your random items. Take time out of your day to organize areas in your house. Cleaning can make you feel productive and clear out your mind. Another idea is to take an online class and learn a new skill. For example, if you like drawing, sign up for an online art class. It is important to spend time doing activities that you enjoy. Learning how to cook is another great life skill to learn. You can start out easy by making a meal for breakfast.

Wherever you find yourself this summer, remember to follow social distancing guidelines and stay safe.