Students and staff celebrate Red Ribbon Week during virtual learning
Teachers at Cherry Hill East dress in all East clothing gear for Red Ribbon Week.
Even through computers, the students and teachers at Cherry Hill East still managed to celebrate Red Ribbon and Violence Prevention Week. The campaign runs for several days and is dedicated to raising awareness for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention. It runs through the week of October 23-31 every year, and this year’s slogan was “Be happy. Be brave. Be drug free.” The students and staff had the option to take part by dressing up in different outfits that relate to the themes of the week. Students were encouraged to dress up for their virtual classes.
The week’s events kicked off on Monday, when many of the Cherry Hill East students and staff dressed in pajamas to show the importance of being alert and awake to the effects of drugs. Monday’s theme reminding people not to sleep on the job while drug abuse continues in the Cherry Hill community was followed by a sports theme on Tuesday. Students and teachers dressed in sports, shirts,and jerseys symbolizing teaming up against drugs and violence. By wearing black on Wednesday, Cherry Hill East students and teachers demonstrated their ability to “black out vaping.” The fourth day of the week asked students and teachers to show their cougar pride. Participants were encouraged to wear East apparel or other red clothing. On the final of Red Ribbon and Violence Prevention week, teachers as well as students were urged to wear costumes. The message was that treats are preferable to tricks.
All in all, students and teachers were able to come together to celebrate the annual Red Ribbon Week. Even if it was online, the effects of raising drug and alcohol awareness were still seen. Teachers and students were able to encourage each other to make good choices and stay drug and alcohol free during this successful week.