Jillian Koenig bakes sweet treats during quarantine
Jillian Koenig gets ready to bake yet another one of her delicious treats.
Jillian Koenig, a new student to East, runs a small business with different sweet treats. She made an Instagram account, starting in seventh grade, to publicize her baked goods. She continues to update the account with her newest creations today. Koenig’s posts consist of cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and the most delicious of mug cakes. Many of her creations are filled with different colors of icing and a whole lot of sprinkles. She bakes birthday and graduation cakes as well. Even though she is not allowed to sell these decorated treats around New Jersey, Jillian makes cakes for her friends and family.
After baking became one of Koenig’s frequent pastimes, she says “I decided to make an account to share my progress. I was inspired by various baking shows and influencers that I saw.” Jillian started her Instagram account to share different types of desserts she made after watching numerous baking shows as well. The purpose of her account is to share recipes and her sweet treats all while donating to charity. Many people seem to follow her progress and enjoy the delicious colorful sights.
For most high school students, the intense academic demands and significant workload limits the students’ free time. For Koenig, she has the same issue. She is limited from baking as much as she used to, “I started it in 7th grade and was able to post regularly throughout middle school but now being in high school, I have a lot less time to bake so it can be hard to work around homework and extracurricular activities.” However, she still makes time periodically, posting every couple weeks.
However, the global pandemic has given Jillian more time to bake since she does not go into school and spends the majority of her time at home. She didn’t have as much work which let her become more creative and take her skills to the next level. Jillian says, “During the pandemic, I had a lot more time to bake because I didn’t have any extracurriculars going on and I had a lot less work so I was able to bake almost every day and really improve.” Koenig took on the challenge of improving her baking skills with enthusiasm as she had a lot more time to focus on her delicious treats.

Koenig’s long term goals consist of her hoping to one day be able to sell these baked goods if the New Jersey law, which prohibits the sale of baked goods in private kitchens, is overturned. She is very thankful to be able to share her progress and make cakes for her friends. Koenig wont stop continuing to share her work online and hopes to inspire others to get creative with their food! You can find her on Instagram @jkoenigskreations.