Back to school, back with masks
CHE students will return to school under a mask mandate this fall.
For the 2021-2022 school year, Cherry Hill East students enter school, expected to wear a face mask, like the n95 mask. Masks are mandated for all students, staff, and visitors at all times in all areas of the building. This masking requirement stands in effect with the Cherry Hill Public Schools since last summer as everyone must follow when indoors. The regulations extend beyond regular school hours to all meetings and events where masks and social distancing is to be maintained. Anyone present without a mask will not be permitted into the district buildings until it is properly worn.
The schools require and hold mask expectations for all students and teachers in the building for the school year. Masks must cover the nose and mouth, ensuring that it is worn to protect and prevent spread. They should be washed daily before or after use. Disposable masks will also be provided at school at times needed. It is repeatedly highlighted that masks are worn at all times for both students and adults. Adults may remove their masks only when they are in a room by themselves, otherwise the same applies for students. Students will be expected to wear a face mask on buses, in the hallways, cafeteria, restroom, and classrooms.
However, there are given circumstances where an individual would be excused to the mandate. Situations where an individual’s health is put at a dangerous risk would be the sole exception to this policy. This concerns times such where one is exposed to extreme heat, has trouble breathing, and is engaged in high intensity activity. Students may also remove their masks when eating or drinking at a designated or permitted time, such as the period of lunch where that is allowed once they are seated and physically eating or drinking. Disregarding excused or health issues, masks are expected to be worn at all other appropriate times for the safety of all people in the community.
With the coronavirus yet rising in the number of reported cases and continually affecting the lives of people near and far, the health and safety of teachers and students are prioritized. In order to fulfill this precedence and sustain a safe environment in school, the mandates are placed and required to be followed. Although it may seemingly be viewed as strict, all must recognize that the policies are enacted to continue a normal yet safe school year while avoiding the health of students and teachers to be put at risk.