Students should advocate for things they are passionate about

Students should use their voices to be heard and make an impact.
Cherry Hill High School East is known as a school that includes everyone and helps students express their opinions in a positive way. East is known to be a school of character where students feel valued and important. However, the question remains: do students at East believe their voices are being heard?
At East there are over 50 clubs. These clubs consist of culture clubs, mental health clubs, art clubs, science, academic, career, and hobby clubs. All of these clubs were created by students that wanted to develop a bond about a common interest and take their ideas to the next level. These clubs allow students to make a difference in the East community.
In addition, students are elected to represent their grade level. Those who are elected are given the opportunity to represent the voice of each grade level. Their role at East is to be a role model where their peers can go and discuss with them any changes they would like to see at Cherry Hill East. It is the responsibility of those in student government to then discuss the most important topics and find ways to address them.
Some students might say that they feel they are not able to voice their opinions because the student body will not listen to them, but students have to take action. One’s voice will not be heard if the student doesn’t take action and make a difference in their own hands. One has to be willing to go out of their comfort zone and talk to the student body president even if they don’t know that person. SGA is there to ensure that you have a great four years at East. They want to help you make a difference but people have to advocate for themselves.
If one advocates about the necessary issues and has evidence on how that is impacting the school, I think teachers and peers will be willing to help make a difference. To express one’s ideas, takes thoughtful thinking and a plan. First, one must ensure that they have a group of people that agree, a plan about what the problem is and possible solutions to the problem that are appropriate. They must have motivation to make a true impact, and only then one can make real change in the East community.
For the first time ever, this year during suicide prevention awareness month, students got on the loudspeaker and raised awareness about what mental health is and how it impacts many. Students had the motivation to promote awareness about mental health and were able to raise awareness to students at Cherry Hill East. Moreover, in class teachers have started doing check-ins with students to ask them about how they are doing and encourage students to meet with them if they feel overwhelmed or stressed to help them create a balanced life. In addition, Eastside is a way for all students to get involved by writing various articles about topics they strongly believe in and for others to read about them. If one wanted to advocate for change they would be able to write a story and get others to read about how they feel and what they want to do to make a change.
At Cherry Hill East students are given the opportunity to express their voices, in so many ways. SGA, teachers, and administration are willing to help students make a difference. However, students have to use their voice for good by speaking out in a positive way and promote positive change.
Shad • Dec 8, 2021 at 12:13 pm
Great job, Anj! Well done on your first Eastside article!!