Cherry Hill East Activities: How Can You Get Involved?
As I watched the positive effect Student Government Association (SGA) had on my brother during his time at Cherry Hill High School East, my middle-school self was determined to join the association my freshman year. Attending my brother’s Spirit Week Dance performances each year and hearing his excitement when talking about fundraiser ideas and conversations from SGA homeroom, I couldn’t wait to become an active member of the school community like he was through SGA. Even with taking the responsibilities as a representative for three years and a vice president in senior year seriously, he was also able to find joy in the activities that he planned and the friendships created and continued throughout college. At the time, I hoped to find the same passion and dedication for this East extracurricular in the future.
I was new to the Cherry Hill Township School District in 8th grade and, since the in-person academic year was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, I sought a way to connect with students virtually in my freshman year at East. After becoming a class representative, SGA introduced me to twenty-two other students interested in representing and helping our grade to thrive and make the most of our high school experiences. Although the majority of our meetings were limited to Zoom at the start of the year, we made the most of it through bonding events such as a white elephant gift exchange. By spring of that year, we were able to hold an in person practice for our Spirit Week Dance. Spending hours almost every day for multiple weeks with other representatives and other students involved with the dance, I created new friendships and looked forward to starting up the dance practices again the next year.
Spirit Week became a highlight of each year for me. The dance practices were a great, social way to end the school day in a way where all students were welcomed and able to interact with one another. The combination of sharing the feeling of accomplishment, seeing the Spirit Week booth come together after a late night’s work and adrenaline, performing our dance for the competition, helped us to create friendships that have lasted throughout all four years.
Through SGA, I was given the opportunity to be a voice for my peers and put myself out there in a way I wouldn’t have been able to if I wasn’t involved in SGA. We worked to create fundraisers and saw the impact of our actions through school dances and events. I found myself having to actively approach others to promote sales, attendance to fundraisers, and participate in class events. SGA also added to my development of time management skills. Each year of high school I needed to prioritize SGA, spending lunch time in meetings and volunteering to help out at events after school. These valuable experiences and life lessons help he students to grow as individuals an teach them how to advocate for themselves as well as for their classes.
SGA creates lifelong friendships and a sense of community within the East. I bonded with like-minded peers who shared my passion for providing our grade with events and dances that reflected their wants.
As someone who has been playing the violin since elementary school, joining East’s music program wasn’t even a question.
Instrumental music is offered as an elective for students to take throughout the school day, requiring very little after school involvement other than concerts and other performances. Individual sections of the performing group are each assigned a lunch break where they can further work on perfecting their musicality within their section.
Some may argue that the instrumental groups being part of the daily class rotation is forcing them to be more committed and dedicated to the group than they previously were in their middle schools. However, it is meeting so often and spending so much time together that allows the orchestra to bond and grow as a family.
According to one student at Cherry Hill East (‘25), “Some of [her] closest friends came from [her] involvement in the school orchestra. It is a family, a home for students who all share a common interest and passion.”
No matter what style of music they are involved in, all students are provided with ample opportunities to perform and showcase their talents in front of an audience full of friends and family.
“It is the most rewarding feeling. The feeling you get when you listen to a recording of your performance and reflect on the overall growth from when the material was introduced to the night of the show.”
Even though each group within the music department meets separately and at different times throughout the day, everyone comes together when it comes time for the concert. Everyone in the music department becomes such a tight-knit group and an overall community.
For me, the joy of participating in the music department comes from being able to do what I enjoy and knowing that I am part of something special – students coming together and connecting over a common interest.
Overall, the music department encourages students to get involved in something that they already have experience with, to continue performing with their friends, and helps them to meet new students who they will interact with throughout their high school careers.

DECA offers me opportunities to develop my leadership skills and gain valuable insights into the business world. Through my participation in DECA events, I can learn about marketing, entrepreneurship, and management, which I believe will be beneficial to my future career.
Being part of DECA allows me to connect with peers who share my interest in business and entrepreneurship.
I’ve found that DECA involves real-world business challenges, such as role-plays and business simulations. These experiences provide me with a good understanding of business concepts and help me develop problem-solving skills.
Additionally, participating in DECA events has already started helping me improve my presentation skills, which I know will be valuable in various aspects of my life, including job interviews and public speaking.
I’ve also come to realize that being a member of DECA demonstrates my commitment to personal and professional development.
Through DECA, I’m able to explore potential career paths in business and gain a better understanding of the skills and knowledge required in various business aspects.
DECA encourages qualities such as teamwork, perseverance, and problem-solving, which I believe are shaping my character and personal growth positively.
Overall, being a part of DECA is enriching my high school experience by providing me with valuable skills, experiences, and opportunities that I believe will shape my future. It’s offering me a platform for personal and professional growth, allowing me to become more well-rounded.
From a championship-winning shot sinking at the sound of the buzzer to an incredible comeback from last place to first, beloved sports movies almost always seem to crescendo into one exhilarating moment. Mesmerized by bright stadium lights, one cannot help but be in awe of the athlete, who radiates confidence and preparedness.
When I first joined the East girls tennis team, my freshman self aspired to triumphant moments like these, chasing the perfect feeling of flourishing in one’s element. Yet, looking back four seasons later, it is the times when I feel out of my element, rather than in it, that have impacted me the most.
That’s not to say I love wind sprints under a blistering August sun or matches with wind so strong backhands become forehands, but in the words of my coach, playing a sport means learning to be “comfortable in uncomfortable situations.” It means learning to stay focused under pressure and to persevere, persisting no matter what the score is. I’ve learned to appreciate every ache in my body after a tough practice, every late night spent catching up on homework after a long match, and even each nerve-wracking third set tiebreaker. Above all, tennis has taught me to embrace the discomfort of failure — to turn every double fault, every missed volley, and every difficult loss into motivation for growth.
In the movies, after each thrilling victory, the athlete turns first to their beaming teammates, rushing into a group hug. And even in the face of heartbreaking defeat, without applause or shining lights, it is still the team that they turn to — their found family, providing support and strength.
Standing outside the courts on the first day of preseason, I remember being surrounded by the bustling chatter of the girls on the team, some of them seasoned seniors and others anxious freshmen like I was. Even on that promising summer morning, I couldn’t have predicted the incredible journey ahead, filled with bus ride playlists, inside jokes, tie-dye-filled Senior Days, cheers of “you’ve got this” from the best teammates, and words of advice and encouragement from the best coaches. And as for the home-away-from-home, found family the movies promised? Every time my team and I gather for a team cheer, trade high fives, or root for each other from the sidelines, I know I’ve found it.
How well do you know the East activities? Answer the 5 trivia questions based off of the information in the package!