The culminating pep rally that took place today marked the end to a very eventful, yet sensational spirit week. Providing a catching beat, the Cherry Hill East marching band commenced the ceremonious pep rally, while the cheerleaders really pumped the spirit on the sidelines. As free t-shirts were launched into the crowd, Davis announced each grade’s homecoming king and queen, while each grade their banner for all to see. Afterwards, the East senior and junior boys battled it out with an epic tug of war fight. It was a quick defeat; the senior boys quickly gained control of the rope. Next, the sophomore and junior girls competed to see who would be the next tug of war champion. The junior girls won. Then it was time for round two of the tug of war finals, once again the senior boys conquered the juniors. Although it seemed that the sophomores were to prevail in battle two, the juniors ultimately became the tug of war champions. Davis then proceeded to announce the ranking athletes of the fall season. The real fun began when select East teachers and students played a pie game, where players had to pass around a pie while music played, however if the pie was in one’s hand when the music stopped, he or she had to pie themselves to stay in the game or pie the person next to them to leave the game. If students got the pie a second time, then they were out. Tommy Chung (’14) was the prevailing champion in the game. The last fifteen minutes of the pep rally was allotted for commemorating the East football team, which was announced by Jonny Cassano (’13). Finally, Davis revealed the end results for spirit week, which concluded the freshman in fourth places, sophomores in third, juniors in second and seniors in first.
The pep rally ends spirit week with a bang
Sherin Nassar (’13)/Eastside humor editor, Danielle Fox (’13)/Eastside news/features editor
November 24, 2011
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