Spirit Week Dance 2022 recap

The Senior’s Bachelor Dance won them first place in the Spirit Week Dance.
On Tuesday, November 22nd, each grade performed in the Spirit Week Dance Competition in East’s DiBart Gym. Each class’ Student Government Association (SGA) representatives were given the opportunity to choose a reality TV show for the grade to base their Spirit Week dance, booth, and banner on. For weeks prior to the performance, student choreographers from each grade level taught student participants their 10-minute-long dances. These dances included songs and specific dance moves that alluded to their designated show.
Doors opened shortly after seven o’clock and teachers began collecting the $5 admission fee and placing blue “x”s on each person’s hand. After paying for their ticket, students and parents could visit the snack table managed by Project Graduation, a fundraiser that raises money for the Seniors’ graduation celebration. The snacks sold included soft pretzels, candy, water and Gatorade. Before entering the gym, teachers checked for “x”s on attendees’ hands. In the DiBart Gym, attendees sat in the bleachers and balcony and excitedly waited for the dance to start.
At 7:30 pm the competition began. East Activities Director Mr. Davis introduced each grade with their designated television show. The dances went in order from freshmen to seniors. The Freshmen’s performance was based on America’s Got Talent, the Sophomores’ was based on Survivor, the Juniors’ was based on Dance Moms and the Seniors’ was based on The Bachelor. Each dance included a partner dance and unique dance formations.
After an enjoyable night of Spirit Week dances and the week-long Spirit Week full of competitions and activities, the final results were announced.
The Seniors took first place, winning both the dance and Spirit Week overall. The Juniors won second place in the dance but were third place in the overall competition. The Sophomores won third place in the dance and second place overall, leaving the Freshman Class in last place.
Once again, another successful and memorable Spirit Week has come to an end.