East has been my home away from home for the past four years, mainly because I am so involved in our theatre department. I have participated in every lab theatre, main stage and one act since my freshman year. I haven’t only acted in these shows, but I have also stage managed, directed and helped on stage crew. As a senior I have become the secretary for Thespian Society and a company manager of Mime Company. These four years led me to best experience of my life… Mr. East. Being Mr. Born This Way in this year’s Mr. East competition really helped me gain friends I never had and really enjoy senior year for what it is. This experience was the best thing I have done in my four years. The friends I have met through Mr. East and through D-wing and various other portions of the school I know I will keep for a life time. They are my cougar family! I’m extremely excited to go to college, but it will be hard to leave all of my memories, experiences, and of course my friends behind. I will never forget East and all the great things it has done for me. For the juniors reading this… Enjoy your last year at East and cherish every moment because it goes by so quickly! Congratulations to Class of 2012–see you all at the reunion!
Senior Perspective: Jorden Edwards
June 5, 2012
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