Senior Perspective: Sergio Parsi

Rachel Becker

Parsi plays guitar.

It’s hard to believe the best four years of my life are coming to an end. Not only has East given me countless opportunities, but it has also given me relationships that I’ll cherish forever.

I recall my first days as a freshman; I was so intimidated by the change and wondering how I would fit at East. It was during my sophomore year that I found my passion for singing and found a home in the vocal department. Joining the department made me open up in ways I never thought possible. I gained a confidence I never thought I had, and most importantly, I discovered a lifelong love of music through joining choir and joining my Capella groups, Stay Tuned and Casual Harmony.

Above all, I am going to remember the relationships I have made throughout high school. The people that I met have made all the difference. The relationships I established during my middle school years, as well as the relationships I have made in high school, will remain with me throughout the rest of my life. From staying up late with my friends trying to cram for a Bio test or rehearsing for hours with Stay Tuned for one of our many competitions, every moment was always worth it because I was spending time with the people I loved.

High school is a time to learn; it’s also a time to have fun. It’s a time to make mistakes and a time to grow. It’s a time to find your passions and a time to enjoy every aspect of life. This is where your childhood comes to an end and your adult life begins. Everyone wants to make the most of their lives in high school, and I can say confidently that I wouldn’t change my time at East for anything.