Ravin Patel (’13) is not taking this year’s Mr. East competition lightly. In fact, he assures that he is in it to win it (hence his competition name Mr. Ravinittowinit).
Mr. Ravinittowinit has many special talents that he feels make him a favorite going into the competition. These special talents include his ability to drink water very quickly, always being the first person to know when it is raining and the self acclaimed king of creating hash tags.

“I’ll be entertaining the crowd, keeping them on the edge of their seats,” said Mr. Ravinittowinit, “People are going to refer to me as a riot.”
Mr. Ravinittowinit is a self-acclaimed Cinderella, insisting the character is his inner Disney princess. Mr. Ravinittowinit has no problem telling this to people because of his pure confidence and his inability to let people hurt his feelings.
By interacting with the crowd, teachers and students, Mr. Ravinittowinit plans to showcase what he plans to do in the future through his Mr. East act. He feels his four years of high school have prepared him and will allow him to easily place in the top three of the ten contestants. In fact, Mr. Ravinittowinit says he may have to repeat senior year if he comes in anything but the top three so that he can compete again.
“I’m not taking this as a joke, even though it’s funny,” said Mr. Ravinittowinit.
Mr. Ravinittowinit is very determined. With the many skills he has acquired during high school he plans on doing nothing more than finishing at the top of the competition.