Mayor Cahn unveiled a newly constructed pathway from Cherry Hill High School East to Richterman field on October 17. The school board members all volunteered to create this path in order to stop students from having to walk through the woods to get to the field.
“This is a great opportunity to involve the county in a real, shared service between the country and school board and the municipality for our children at Cherry Hill East,” Mayor Cahn said.
In attendance for the ceremony were the East cross-country team, the Cherry Hill board members and Dr. Obreza.
Mayor Cahn believes the path symbolizes the bright future students in Cherry Hill have ahead of themselves.
“Not only is it a clear path from East to Richeterman, but hopefully it is a clear path for you to get going on your grades, and do well in school and get to the best college you can and do the greatest things life and years ahead,” Mayor Cahn said.