On May 14, the Class of 2012 will have its Junior Prom. The prom will take place at the Collingswood Ballroom from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. The price for one ticket is 85 dollars. This year, the SGA for the Class of 2012 has decided to use “E.T.” by Katy Perry as its song for the prom.
Jackie Susuni (’12), Vice President of the Class of 2012, said, “[The prom plans] are going really well; we picked our prom song as ‘E.T.’ by Katy Perry, which is where we came up with the theme and our shirt design. Prom is actually really fun to plan and it’s going to be really cool to see how it all comes together.”
On this night, a full dinner will be served with a main meat and vegetarian dish, as well as sides, desserts and drinks. The DJ will be Jack Friedburg.
Prom will be a night for juniors as a class to make lasting extra twelestrial memories.
Susuni said, “I hope students will see how awesome our class is and how great of a time everyone can have together. I want our class to feel unified!”