The newly founded Israel Awareness Club hosted its first officers’ meeting to plan the future events of the club, and specifically the details of the first official open meeting. The first order of business was to decide when that meeting should take place; Tuesday, February 9th was selected.
The officers then discussed how the meeting should be conducted. An agenda comprised of food, music, officer introductions, and a discussion of current events was composed. There was also exciting talk of bringing in a guest speaker from a well known Jewish organization.
Given that it was the first time all the officers had gotten together to discuss the specifics of the club, the meeting was very successful. Officer Jon Silverstone (’11) is “very excited about the prospect of the group and letting people know more about topics that they are passionate about but may not have the information about.”
East’s first Israel Awareness Club hopes for a good turnout and positive energy at its first meeting on February 9th. Everyone is welcome.