Freshman Dance “A Night in the City” Preview

The Class of 2022 chose the theme of “A Night in the City” for their Freshman Dance.
January 2, 2019
The Freshman dance is right around the corner. The theme for the dance is A Night in the City, and the dance will be held on January 11. Tickets will continue be sold from January 2 through January 4 in room C108 during lunch break one and lunch break two.
Freshmen Student Government Association (SGA) decided to bump up the ticket sale price from last year’s Freshmen dance; the class of 2022 is charging 25 dollars instead of 20 dollars. When asked about the price increase, Freshman Class Vice-President Devyn Levin (‘22) said SGA rose the ticket prices to 25 dollars because it thought the cost was “most appropriate to cover the cost of the long sleeve t-shirts, food, DJ, decorations and much more.”
Winter break eliminates a week of preparation that could be used to plan the Freshman dance. This leaves Freshman SGA a little over a week to continue planning, organizing and setting up.
“I think that SGA has enough time to plan for the dance considering we had to make designs for both the t-shirt and the tickets along with picking decorations and food before the break, but the actual setting up may be a little chaotic,” said Levin.
The Freshman plan to finish off their night in the city with a giveaway. On the way out of the dance, students will be able to grab complimentary long t-shirts. They hope that a free apparel gift will be the perfect ending to their dance.
Overall, freshman SGA hopes their “Night in the City” is one to remember, and they also hope that the rest of the class comes out and has a great time as well.