Eastside wins big for 13th straight year
The front cover of Eastside’s June 2021 issue
Eastside is New Jersey’s winner of the Distinguished Journalism Award for the 13th consecutive year, and Eastside Online is the winner of the Online Distinguished Journalism Award for the 2nd straight year.
The Distinguished Journalism Award is based on the number of first place, second place, third place and honorable mention awards using a weighted system in which first is worth the most, second place the second most, etc. The Online Distinguished Journalism Award is based on the same system but different categories.
Eastside also won the Overall Excellence award, which is based on a rubric.
Eastside and Eastside Online won the following awards en route to the two biggest honors. All material was published in print or online during the 2020-2021 school year:
Multimedia News Package:
FIRST PLACE: “Tik-Tok Takeover” — Max Gaffin, Nicole Vital, Scout Pullano, Melissa Vital, Inesa Linker, and Alex Levine
THIRD PLACE: “Exploring the holiday lights” — Sami Bell, Isabella Levin, Vivian Rong, Yena Son, Melissa Vital, and Alexa Atlas
HONORABLE MENTION: “East Celebrates the Inauguration” — Jamie Bookbinder, Emily Boyle, and Max Gaffin
HONORABLE MENTION: “Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg” — Remy Abrams, Alena Zhang, Amanda Merovitz, James Kwak, Jessica Levin, Ziva Davis, and Vivian Rong
Multimedia Features Package:
FIRST PLACE: “A deeper look into eating disorders” — Ziv Amsili, Alexa Atlas, Jacy Dickstein, Jeffrey Kaminer, Brielle Lampf, Isabella Levin, and Yena Son
SECOND PLACE: “Self-love” — Lalitha Viswanathan, Nicole Vital, Jacy Dickstein, Ziva Davis, Abby Yu, Melissa Vital, and Amanda Merovitz
HONORABLE MENTION: “A closer look into social media” — Alexa Atlas, Ziva Davis, Nick Gangewere, Alex Levine, Scout Pullano, and Melissa Vital
Multimedia Sports Package:
FIRST PLACE:. “2020-2021 Top Athletes” — Alexa Atlas, Nick Gangewere, and Nicole Vital
SECOND PLACE: “Fall Sports Recap” — Alexa Atlas, Max Gaffin, Nick Gangewere, Lily Lazarus, and Alex Levine
THIRD PLACE:. “The Truth About…” — Gia Gupta, Karina Gupta, Heidi Kwak, and Jiwoo Lee
Breaking News:
THIRD PLACE: “Interview with SGA winner” — Aiden Rood
HONORABLE MENTION: “CHPS has a tentative plan” — Max Gaffin
HONORABLE MENTION: “Final exams will not return — Aiden Rood
Breaking Sports:
SECOND PLACE: “East defeats Rancocas Valley” — Nick Gangewere
Online Photo Gallery:
HONORABLE MENTION: “East Girls Swim” — Madeline Dold
Social Media Presence:
SECOND PLACE: Eastside Social Media
Feature Writing:
THIRD PLACE: “Steele brings artistic dreams into reality” — Lalitha Viswanathan
HONORABLE MENTION: “Rosenbaum spreads self-love on Tik-Tok” — Emily Boyle
HONORABLE MENTION: “Bryce Dershem beat the odds” — Aiden Rood
Sports Writing:
SECOND PLACE: “Lynell Payne’s Plan” — Nick Gangewere
HONORABLE MENTION: “For Freshman Phenom Lily Quintero, Basketball is More than Just a Game” — Nick Gangewere
In-Depth Reporting:
THIRD PLACE: “Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women’s History Month” — Nicole Vital, Ziv Amsili, Sami Bell, Avi Shohat, Melissa Vital, and Naomi Bereketab
HONORABLE MENTION: “A deeper look into eating disorders” — Ziv Amsili, Alexa Atlas, Jacy Dickstein, Jeffrey Kaminer, Brielle Lampf, Isabella Levin, and Yena Son
Editorial Writing:
SECOND PLACE: “Eastside commends district’s efforts during remote learning” — Eastside Editorial Board
THIRD PLACE: “Eastside names African American Culture Club Persons of the Year” — Eastside Editorial Board
Opinion Writing:
FIRST PLACE: “The US should allow statehood for Washington, DC” — Tomer Goldfinger
HONORABLE MENTION: “East should require African American History” — Naomi Bereketab
HONORABLE MENTION: “East students should have more time to pursue interests that they care about” — Brielle Lampf
Personal Narrative:
SECOND PLACE: “My journey of discovering the beauty of my culture” — Alena Zhang,
Column Writing:
FIRST PLACE: “Politics Weekly” — Aiden Rood
Review Writing:
HONORABLE MENTION: “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier” — James Kwak
FIRST PLACE: Immigrants Package — James Kwak
HONORABLE MENTION: “Students celebrate holidays amidst pandemic” — Marc Celine Nicolas
THIRD PLACE: “Setting sail” — Yena Son
Editorial Cartooning:
FIRST PLACE: “Health care workers risk their lives” — Melissa Vital
SECOND PLACE: “I’m Bored” — Jeffrey Kaminer
THIRD PLACE: “Giving cards as birthday presents” — Heidi Kwak
Layout & Design
FIRST PLACE: Senior Superlatives — Jeffrey Kaminer and Melissa Vital
SECOND PLACE: African American History — Brielle Lampf, Naomi Bereketab, and Vivian Rong
THIRD PLACE: June Sports Page 1 — Max Gaffin, Lalitha Viswanathan, and Abby Yu