East takes home prizes for the 35th Annual Arts 4 Teens Festival on Wednesday, March 17th at Rutgers University. Twenty East art students were nominated into the festival and judged by professional artists from the area. Art works entered range from poetry to paintings. The festival began with a short introduction by honorees of Rutgers University, as well as other renowned artists of the Camden County area. Forty-five minute seminars took place throughout the day on styles of dance, musical theater, singing, ceramics, clay working, painting, leatherwork, computer graphics, charcoal drawing and many more. Students received one on one critiques with professional artists from the Camden County area. Artistic material was entered by Zach Siegel, Samantha Kovnat, Leah Rosenberg, Jenna Cammisa, Amena Ehmedi, Alexis Cherry, Diana Li, Ryan Delaney, Chelsea Myers, Rebecca Ehrenberg, Jennifer Donsky, Jessica Forbes, Jennifer Cha, Yvonne Dolic, Marissa Johnson, Adam Ritz, Nicole Plaksen, Conner Pell, Shelly Tan and Annelise Wittenberg.
The awards won by East students are as follows:
Ceramics: Best of Camden County: Samantha Kovnat
Ceramics: Honorable Mention: Jenna Cammisa
Ceramics: Honorable Mention: Leah Rosenberg
Jewelry: Best of Camden County: Yvonne Dolic
Jewelry: Honorable Mention: Jennifer Donsky
Photo: Best of Camden County: Mellissa Johnson
Photo: Honorable Mention: Adam Ritz
Photo: Honorable Mention: Nicole Plaksen
Painting: Best of Camden County: Alexis Cherry