Demogorgon (Demo), East’s literary magazine, holds its weekly meeting every Thursday. Every year a new edition of the magazine comes out, which features short stories, poems, and photos generated by Cherry Hill East students. The magazine is put together by Demo’s staff members, who review submissions every week. The weekly submissions form packets put together for each meeting. This week’s packet consisted of three entries, two stories and one poem. After discussing the literature’s content and structure, the group votes on whether or not the piece should be submitted. This week the staff decided that none of the written pieces would be printed in Demogorgon. However, the poem, Victims of Babylon, will be sent back to the writer for revisions. For next week’s meeting, Demo’s staff strongly suggests that anyone interested in poetry or short stories, should submit their work to the Demo email,
Demogorgon holds its weekly meeting after school
Laura Kane (’11)/ Eastside Community Editor
December 3, 2009
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