Class of 2021: Junior Prom Preview

Courtesy of Stout & Caldwell Engineers
The Junior Prom for the Class of 2021 will be at the Merion in Cinnaminson, NJ.
On April 24, 2020, Junior Prom of the class of 2021 will be held at The Merion in Cinnaminson, NJ. Their theme this year is the roaring twenties. The class officers say that this particular theme identifies well with their class since they have been learning about the roaring twenties (1920s) in history.
They have also been reading pieces of literature that they were required to include in the roaring twenties such as the Great Gatsby, which is set in 1920 and showed the growth of economic and social flourish.
The Student Government homeroom came up with the theme as they thought it would be perfect considering the just starting decade of 2020 as well as the pieces of literature that they are reading. “With the year 2020 starting, it feels like we’re back in the roaring twenties”, said Pete Cuddihy. Though the Juniors know the location and date of the Prom, they are still figuring out ticket pricing and centerpieces.
The officers say that the juniors are more excited this year about their annual dance considering the greater preparations, and larger awareness about the dance and its contents in general.
“The [dance] will be more upscale. The food is provided to catering…. The location is going to be nicer…I think everyone will [take it more seriously] because it’s a prom” said class officer Pete Cuddihy.
This is the first high school dance that the students will not have in the cafeteria of East.
SGA has a lot of preparations with the dance helped by Ms. Breen, Ms. Radbill, and Mr. Davis. Though these teachers also help immensely with things like preparations, planning, and due dates, the dance is ultimately student-oriented, and thus student-driven.
“It’s pretty much the student planning and then [the advisors] oversees it and makes sure that it can work out,” said Pete Cuddihy.
Although the 4 class officers do most of the preparations for Junior Prom, the representatives still pitch ideas and give more perspectives on the prom.
Additionally, this year, there are committees for J-prom. Each officer is in charge of a different comittee relating to a certain aspect of prom.
Pipersburgh, class of 2021 president, is in charge of the preparations committee and the members of this comittee are currently looking at the centerpieces that will “fit the venue” of The Merion.
Cuddihy, class of 2021 officer is in charge of the apparel committee. So far, they have two different t-shirt designs and one cup design. The student government thought that this would be a creative and unique idea for a memorable night.
Eng is in charge of the publicity comittee, including banners, advertisements on social media, and verbal promotion. Bell is in charge of the tickets needed to be purchased at Junior Prom including the design and price.
These committees then come together to discuss their decisions on Junior Prom and the contents that they each decided upon.
Overall the class of 2021 is making the best effort to make their prom the best it can be.
“Honestly, [our class] been thinking about [prom] all year,” said Cuddihy.