The Prime Meridian and the International Date Line: where the Earth splits in two. It is hard to believe that an imaginary line used only to describe a location would also be used to differentiate completely different sets of morals, cultures and ideologies.
Over time, different empires and people have dominated. From the Byzantines to the British, the philosophical concept of East-West dichotomy has developed, hoping to explain why the two hemispheres have developed into what seems to be a completely different set of standards and morals.
Such an example can be observed within the governments of the United States and Iran. The United States’ government fights for Western values. Iran’s government, officially known as the Islamic Republic of Iran, fights to expand their regional control, in hopes of expanding Sharia Law: what many see as the “rules” of the Quran. While the Iranian government hopes to expand its sect of Islam, it faces heavy backlash from rival Saudi Arabia and the only Jewish state of Israel.
Since the installation of what could be called a radicalized government in 1979, specific members of Iran’s government have contributed to two Persian Gulf Wars, the Syrian Civil War, multiple Arab uprisings, and a multitude of terrorist attacks worldwide, hoping to achieve world dominance by installing terrorist proxies in regions. Through what some perceive as meticulous plans to infiltrate the United States through policymakers and universities, Iran’s radicalized government has begun to infect the West.
In July, it was discovered by U.S. National Intelligence that Iran’s government was continuously funding and encouraging pro-Palestinian protests across college campuses and cities. Let’s focus on how we got here though:
In the Middle East, Iran’s government deploys terrorist proxies to Lebanon (Hezbollah), the Gaza Strip (Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad), Yemen (Houthis), and Syria, as well as installing private militias in a plethora of African countries. In African countries, they fund radical Islamic groups that enslave and traffic nearby Christian groups.
Although the Middle East has long suffered from persistent war, which has become an accepted way of life, it was not always this way. Before 1979, Iran was a free country, full of nightlife, culture, and history. In its extensive history spanning over 5,000 years, Iran has made profound contributions to art, literature, science, and philosophy. Before the mass immigration of Palestinians from Syria to Lebanon — which sparked civil unrest and war — Beirut was considered the Paris of the Middle East.
After Iran established their prominence in the Middle East, it expanded. First to Europe, where terrorist attacks sponsored by Iran flood the streets. Videos of riots in the subways and streets make it difficult to differentiate 2024 Europe from 1930s Europe. In France, Jews are beaten up in the streets. In London, Jews are now given an alternative busing route to keep them safe.
We watch as protestors take over college campuses and political positions, with students wearing Hezbollah headbands, to Rashida Tlaib sympathizing with proxy regimes after Israel kills a multitude of their terrorist officials.
As Martin Niemoller once said, “Then they came for me— and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Americans cannot stand by as the world is set ablaze by radical members of Iran’s government. Once one group falls, everyone will fall. Together, we all must unite in the face of this extremism, or otherwise crumble.