Muggle t-shirts, Butterbeer and wizardly wands galore, it is safe to say that the Harry Potter series has become one of the biggest global franchises of all time.
First premiering in November, 2001, the Harry Potter film series will meet its end this summer on July 15. Acclaimed as the highest grossing film series of all time with over 6 billion dollars in worldwide receipts, the series continues to elicit much zeal as the days near the final production.
To celebrate the finale of JK Rowling’s epic sensation, Eastside Online will host an exclusive Harry Potter countdown, which will recount many of Potter enthusiasts’ favorite topics, including coverage of the original book series, interactive videos regarding Harry Potter’s most relished cuisine and, of course, more than one look into the oncoming second part to the two part story, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
So fellow muggles, brace yourselves for a magical experience as Eastside opens the door to the whimsical world of witchcraft and wizardry.