How do East students use technology to study?
According to Pew Research Center, 87 percent of American teens from ages 13 to 17 have access to a desktop or laptop computer. Partially due to the easy access to computers, many students at East prefer do most of their studying with the assistance of technology.
The most commonly used online resource for studying at East is Quizlet, an app that allows students to make digital flashcards that can use the flashcards to make practice tests and study games.
“[Quizlet] helps me quiz myself and helps me learn more efficiently… It’s faster and easier to make [than paper flashcards]” said Riley Johnson (‘21).
Not only was the relative ease of creating flashcards online a benefit many students found with using Quizlet, but many also enjoy the accessibility and convenience of having study materials online.
“I think I rather prefer electronic [flashcards] just so I know I always have [them] with me” said Isabella Rossetti (‘20)
Though most of the students commented that Quizlet was their favorite, some said that they were unable to concentrate when it came to using flashcards online.
“I tried Quizlet before but it doesn’t really help me that much… I like using paper flashcards [even though] it’s very time consuming [to write out] all the vocab words, but using them usually boosts my score” said Angelina Pfaff (‘19).
In addition to Quizlet, YouTube creators such as Crash Course and AsapSCIENCE are used by students to help supplement their understanding of school materials.
“I use YouTube to find documentaries or people explaining [what we’ve learned] because I’m an auditory learner so it’s easier hearing someone explain it” said Liam Reilly (‘20).
Though most students use some type of technology to study, some students are content without the help of any technology.
“I typically just take notes in class and either rewrite them over again or repeat them to my family and explain [the material]” said Louis Bovino (‘19)
Some students actively avoid technology while they study, as it serves as a distraction to them.
“I generally try not to use the computer when I work because I have the temptation to go off and not do the work” said Christian Rohr (‘20).
Additionally, many students said that having their phone on them when they try to study is detrimental to their productivity.
“[My phone] usually always distracts me. Sometimes when I want to procrastinate it’s just there” said Isha Kothari (‘21).
However, some students feel that they are able to have their phone on them if they make sure it will not go off while they study.
“I do have my phone on me when I study, but I usually have notifications either [on] buzzer or silent so it doesn’t interfere with me when I’m studying” said Ishani Hirata-Chandran (‘21).
While many students said that they listen to music for background noise, many said that they needed it to be specific types of music for them to be able to concentrate.
“I prefer music with no words so I won’t get sidetracked” said Reilly (‘20).
Additionally, some students have found music that actually boosts their concentration.
“I feel like [listening to music] helps me a lot. I need noise to focus properly. One of my teachers and I actually did an experiment where I did half my homework without listening to music and half of my homework while listening to music and I got more answers correct and I did it faster while I was listening to music… [I listen to] classical music, orchestral music. I can’t listen to anything with lyrics while I’m studying, that drops my focus” said Hirata-Chandran (‘21).
Technology has always come with both pros and cons. For some students, the accessibility and convenience of online study materials are grounds for doing most studying with the help of technology. For others, the possibility of distractions outweigh the value they place on using technology to study.