Another hallucinating patient visits Princeton-Plainsboro this week. However, to make matters more interesting, this particular man also has blackouts in which he loses several hours at a time. The man lives alone with his six-year-old daughter in what is an abnormally clean and sterile environment. After investigating, mold is discovered, which seems to be a promising toxin that could be causing the patient’s problems.
However, this is not the case. It is shockingly revealed that the patient sleepwalks, which accounts for his memory loss. While asleep, he functions as a normal person would, but worse: he buys and uses cocaine. It is determined that something added to the drug is plaguing the patient’s heath, that is, until he begins bleeding blood. House, in the knick of time, as always, discovers the true diagnosis: the patient, and his daughter, have a type of Mediterranean fever, which, naturally, House cures with the proper treatment.
“Joy” had a subplot as well: Dr. Cuddy is due to receive her baby from the birth mother, a woman by the name of Becca. All is well until Cuddy notices an unusual rash on Becca’s arm, which prompts her to admit Becca into the hospital. After some tests, it is discovered that the baby’s lungs are under fluid. Following an emergency C-section and a breakdown by Dr. Cuddy, who is scared to death her daughter-to-be won’t make it, the baby cries, signifying all is well.
Spoiler Alert!
It was absolutely devastating when Becca told Dr. Cuddy that she wanted to keep her baby. Cuddy, as longtime fans know, has been wanting to be a mother for a couple of seasons now. The fact that she waited this long and came this close to receiving a baby was heartbreaking, for both Cuddy and fans. It seems cruel of the writers, but I have faith, despite this season’s lackluster start, that the writers are cooking up some good TV that somehow branches off of this turn of events.
The blatant start to this future series of events is, obviously, House and Cuddy’s lip-lock. Yes, there has been flirting and teasing for five years now, but the fact that it actually happened? Downright scandalous. I personally cannot wait until this storyline pans out, as it can either completely ruin the dynamic of the show, or revamp its entire existence.
House is back! And, hopefully, it won’t make us wish we had lupus ever again.
Rating: A