We celebrate our mothers

March 26, 2021

Melissa Vital (’23)

For many of us, our mothers are our main source of inspiration

Ziva Davis(’22) – Eastside News Editor

My Mother Inspires Me:

Ziva Davis (’23) commemorates her mother in honor of Women’s History Month (Courtesy of Pinterest.com)

My mom is the most influential woman in my life. She is my role model who I aspire to be like. She has a great sense of humor and can always make me laugh, even on my worst day. She teaches me to spend life doing the things that make me happy. My mom is the most selfless person that I know and she always puts her family before herself. I feel so grateful to have a person in my life who understands me better than anyone else.
One of the main reasons why we have a solidified relationship is because I can speak to her about anything and I know that she will not judge me. Also, she is a great listener. If I ever need to vent, I can always go to her and I know that she will understand how I am feeling and give me advice.
My mom is the most determined and hardworking person that I know. She manages to juggle many tasks on her plate, all with grace and a positive attitude.
I love spending time with her. Even if we are just giving my dog a bath, we always manage to laugh and enjoy each other’s company. She radiates positivity and love wherever she goes, and I try to follow in her footsteps every day.

Avi Shohat(’23) – Eastside Features Editor

My Mother Inspires Me:
I would like to begin this story by mentioning how difficult it is to convey just how much my mother inspires me and how the significance of her presence cannot be substituted nor replaced by any individual who tries to suit that role.

There is something so beautiful about perceiving the growth my mother has undertaken on her own—taking risks to become independent, confident from within, and to be held accountable for someone other than herself. The level to which she is willing to put others before herself is noteworthy. I only recently realized how exhausting it must be for her to awaken before sunrise, attend to work obligations, only to return home at sundown and complete household chores. Now, when I recognize how essential she is to my life and to the lives of those around her, my attempts not to take her efforts for granted, while demonstrating my gratitude for her, has become more prominent in my life. Only through the reinforcement of my mother could I reach my greatest potential, become successful in respect to good health, happiness, and the endless opportunities I will receive to pursue my dreams and make them my reality. She brought me into this world after all, and she knows that it is her responsibility to take care of the entire family just as much as the family must take care of her. We are equally dependent, my mother and I. How could she take care of me if I did not take care of her? I feel that the older I grow and the more I understand my mother’s personality, achievements, and obstacles, the more I learn about both the challenges and the essentiality of the perseverance of being a foreigner and a woman. In doing so, I have an increasing awareness of the woman that I aspire to be.

Avi Shohat (’23) recognizes her mother as the inspiration in her life (Melissa Vital (’23))

Furthermore, my mother’s childhood was not the most favorable, but she continued to walk her path because she knew in her heart that the more steps she would take, the closer she would get to no longer chasing her dreams but, rather, attaining them. She proceeds to remind my brother and me of how fortunate we are to be able to sustain our lives, as during her youth it was a luxury to purchase something as simple as a bottle of soda. Hence, she uses her experiences to teach my brother and me how to remain modest, and appreciative, all the while acknowledging the difference between what we “need” and what we “desire.” However, as mindful as she is of managing the money she is rewarded with for her strong efforts at work, she also knows that sometimes to acquire the thing one desires is by purchasing the things they need. She reminds me, consistently, that life is all about the small, memorable moments, and that I do not need to fulfill all of my wishes in one day. She has goals, she reaches them, and if she does not, she is flexible and is not discouraged nor disappointed in herself because life is all about setting goals, overcoming the obstacles in realizing those goals, accomplishing them, and setting new ones. Her passion, determination, and commitment will not go unnoticed. From inside jokes, to her and I both making mistakes in one another’s native languages, to petty arguments over insignificant things, to the disheartening times, she is always there and those are the memories that I will hold onto.

Moreover, my mother reinforces to my brother and me that there will always be people in one’s life who they might compare themselves to or that those people will only have an interest in lowering one’s self-esteem, so that it is noteworthy to remain true to one’s self and be confident, from both within and out, in who that person is. I do not take this lightly, because I understand that everyone feels they have their flaws and that there are people other than oneself who will highlight those characteristics even if they are not “flaws.” When the day comes to an end, nevertheless, every individual will only learn to genuinely love themselves when loving all the traits they possess—imperfections and all. My mother taught me that, and she did so by every little complaint she has about the “gray hair” or “wrinkle” that I could never see even if I used a magnifying glass. All I can see is how beautiful she is with or without makeup, her sense of humor, her vibrant personality, and her dedication to helping those around her thrive just as much, if not more than herself. That is the beauty I see when I think about my mother and the woman I aspire to be. That is the woman in my life who inspires me most and makes me realize how honorable it is for someone to tell me that I look identical to her. She is a legacy, and now I can be her’s.

I encourage anyone and everyone to take a moment to reflect on the woman in their life that matters to them most. Think about how much your life would change if they were not present in your life. Tell them how much they mean to you, even if they roll their eyes and say “Who knew you as the sentimental type?” or as my mother always says, “What do you want?” It will make you laugh and it will also frustrate you because you wish you could tell them just how much you love them. For Women’s History Month, in particular, let us remember the women who have changed society and the world for the better, improving life for people across the globe for generations to come. Most eminently, remember the woman in your life that inspires you most to be the best version of yourself, a version of yourself that makes both you and those around you feel content, and a version of yourself that can continue to change the world for the better.

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