Stormin Stofman: Two winter storms are predicted to hit our area within the next four days

Jake Stofman

Here is a snowfall map depicting the upcoming storms.

Good evening everybody I hope that you all had a great Wednesday. We have two storms to talk about and it is very exciting. The first storm will impact our area late Thursday night into Friday morning, and the second storm has a chance to impact our area Saturday and Saturday night.

The snowfall map below is for the first storm Thursday night into Friday. The purple areas along the coast is where I believe heaviest snow will fall. 2 to 4 inches of snow is expected in this area with an isolated 5 inches. As you go further west into the darker blue, that area should receive a general 1 to 3 inches. The furthest west where the lighter blue area is, expect a general coating to an inch of snow. Snow will start to break out in our area after 10 pmThursday night and end before noon on Friday.

The second storm has the chance to affect us Saturday and Saturday night. At this time it is still too early to determine if snow will be in the forecast on Saturday or not. By tomorrow I should have a better analysis and understanding of exactly what’s going to happen with the second storm this weekend.

I hope you all have a great night and a great rest your week. 🙂