BookSmiles seeks to provide books for children

Courtesy of The Sun Papers

Book Smiles aims to provide books to as much children as possible.

Many students not only take education for granted, but they also take advantage of the resources and supplies provided for them. Every student who fortunately gets the opportunity of academic success needs to understand many people are not as gifted with the resources needed to succeed as others. BookSmiles, a nonprofit organization, strives to help this issue by giving books to children throughout New Jersey and Greater Philadelphia. The nonprofit organization wants every child and student to have access to grow up reading books, laying the groundwork for their academic career. BookSmiles provides students and children with new or gently used books, making every donation count.
BookSmiles was founded and created by Larry Abrams, a highschool english teacher who has always been crazy about books. The interesting and unique thing about BookSmiles is the story behind Larry Abrams’ motivation to start this organization. As a teacher, Abrams takes every student’s work seriously no matter their learning ability.
However, Abrams says “ I started wondering why some of my students wrote beautifully, while others were unable to string three sentences together without making a few major grammar mistakes”.
Abrams stuck with his gut and followed his curiosity into deeper thought. He decided to do a poll with his students with the question of, “who grew up with books?” “Right down the line, the students with A’s and B’s grew up with books and the kids who were struggling rarely or never had books in the house. I started BookSmiles to level the playing field,” said Abrams.
Unexpectedly, Booksmiles blew up to the point where Abrams moved out of his packed garage to a book bank. A very generous couple donated thousands of dollars to help BookSmiles open up the bank in August 2019, that has been growing and succeeding ever since. Throughout the process of creating this business, Abrams has had many proud moments that he well deserved.
“Putting several thousands books on pallets for the first time, to be picked up by the Food Bank of South Jersey, was another great moment. And it was wonderful to recently receive the Camden County MLK Freedom Medal!” Said Abrams.
What Abrams has created out of his own love and determination is something not seen everyday, however, he isn’t the only one making a difference in childrens’ lives. BookSmiles would not be able to do it without the countless number of students, teachers, and families who have donated books. Furthermore, Abrams says, in another 15 months, they are planning on moving into a much larger space, as well as purchasing a 16 foot large truck to help deliver huge amounts of books and to make the donation process easier. BookSmiles will continue to fill joy in childrens’ lives day after day. Always remember, even the small things can make big impacts.