Vocal Workshop allows students to kickstart their singing career

May 3, 2023

Lucas Tang (’23)

Vocal Workshop debuts their skills at the Winter Concert.

Vocal workshop allows students to focus on their vocal abilities and improve their phonation. Conducted by Ms. Heather Lockart, Vocal Workshop is designed to provide you with the skills and confidence needed to get your voice into gear and raring to go.

In D041, East’s Vocal Workshop is open to anyone who would like to kick start their singing career. By taking this class at East, you will be given the foundation of vocalization and reading sheet music. Everything you need to know to advance to the higher choirs is taught. For practice, Vocal Workshop does warmups, stretching, and sight reading which is reading notes off the board to figure out certain pitches and keys. Members of Vocal Workshop use the knowledge they obtain to fluently and successfully read tablatures. In each class, and occasionally during the lunch breaks, all students are found practicing exercises that adequately improve their vocal abilities. Lockart, along with her students, utilizes all the time they can get to prepare for performances. Performances can be nerve-racking because each time they need to sing new songs, however, everyone involved looks forward to presenting their skills.

Katie Sullivan (‘25) is taking a vocal workshop this year, and she says the class has gotten her more excited to grow as a singer and expand her knowledge. Some successful events they have done this year include the Fall Preview and the Winter Choral Concert.

“The concerts were so amazing, [the higher-up choirs] were raving about us,” says Sullivan.
Vocal Workshop will be performing in the Spring Choral Concert on May 18th. Sullivan’s favorite thing about Vocal Workshop is how it’s a good way to meet people with the same passions as you. She explains how easy it is to connect with other kids in the class, and how she views Vocal Workshop as a tight-knit community.

“It’s kinda like we’re a family,” says Sullivan.

So, if you’re looking for a way to kickstart your understanding of the foundations of music, look into joining Vocal Workshop. It’s open to all grades and there is no experience required. Because Vocal Workshop fits into your class schedule, there is no stress about time management. Vocal Workshop is used to embody your voice, to come fully into your body, your sound, your music, your expressiveness, and the sound of an individual. All these aspects work together to serve and influence one another!

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