Sustainability efforts in Cherry Hill

June 22, 2023

As the necessity for sustainability rises with the severity of the climate crisis, Cherry Hill has worked towards implementing change to help the environment. To expand upon such efforts, a municipal sustainability plan created in May 2016 called “Roadmap to Our Future” was implemented and due to numerous actions towards sustainability, Cherry Hill has become a Sustainable Jersey Silver Certified community in 2010.

One of the most beneficial natural resources in the environment are trees which assists with the betterment of everyday life. In order to assure that the effectiveness of this natural resource isn’t taken away, the community aims to sustain trees within the community and manage tree removal. Without such management, there are many negative effects which include a rise in dust, worsened air quality, and decrease in thriving ecosystems.

There are also many alternatives to using unsustainable sources of power that increase the greenhouse gasses such as carbon monoxide. This contributes to the rise in temperatures with global warming and the negative impacts of climate change. Considering these aspects, Cherry Hill has looked towards renewable sources of energy, specifically the implementation of solar panels. The utilization of solar panels is also effective in not only promoting sustainability but also with positive financial changes. The areas that have solar panels implemented include the Town Hall with 128 units of panels and the Department of Public Works with 444 units of panels.

In an effort to unite the individuals in the community under the common goal of conservation, a gardening program called Plant-A-Patch at Barclay Farmstead was implemented. In this program, members of the community are welcome to purchase 24 feet by 24 feet plots that are 30 dollars each every season from April to October. With more than 100 gardeners that participate every year, they are able to harvest each of the plots and continue to help the garden flourish. 

To continue to maintain the sustainability efforts in the community, “Roadmap to Our Future” highlights various goals and plans to create a more sustainable community. This includes areas regarding homes, health and wellness, neighborhoods, vitality and ecology, and more.

For more details, in-depth descriptions can be found at

With these actions, the Cherry Hill Township was officially certified on October 26, 2021 by Sustainable Jersey as a Sustainable Jersey Silver Certified community. Many actions such as establishing the Green Team organized by Councilwoman Sangeeta Doshi and Councilwoman Jennifer Apell, smoke-free and tobacco-free public places, buying alternative fuel vehicles, creating community gardens, and more are worth various amounts of points which the Township was at 415 points at the time of certification.

The Cherry Hill community has worked hand in hand with many like-minded people to work towards making the community more sustainable everyday. Each thought. Each plan. Each action. Each individual effort does not stop here and must continue environmental practices in Cherry Hill and beyond.

Learn more about Cherry Hill’s Sustainability efforts:

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