Remembering childhood holidays
I can imagine it like it was yesterday- roaming the stores within the beautifully decorated mall, skipping to the joyful music as I held my mom’s hand so I wouldn’t get lost. I loved the holidays.
When I was little I could not wait for the days where the delicate snow covered every inch of my dad’s car and I just knew school would be closed, the days when my house always smelled like warm cookies, or the days holiday music would surround me constantly.
I remember the day my mom came home with my favorite cookie mix and the white snow fell for hours. It was the perfect day to bake cookies. Baking cookies was always my favorite activity when I was younger, but on the holidays it was even better to bake those reindeer cookies in the cold weather as “All I Want for Christmas” by Mariah Carey played in the background.
Although the holidays will always remain important to me, the celebrations and feelings have changed. With school work piling up, and colleges on my mind, I can never seem to find the time to bake those delicious cookies or dance foolishly around my kitchen to my favorite holiday songs. Occasionally, I sneak a nice Hallmark movie in here and there, but nothing matches up to the countless nights my family and I would spend cuddled up just watching holiday movies one after the other. As I grew up, and the work and commitment dramatically increased, holidays could not compare to when I was a little girl with zero worries (except making sure I didn’t burn the cookies or smash my gingerbread man house!). No matter how old I get or how much homework my teacher’s burden me with, I will always love the holidays and will always try to find new ways to keep myself in the holiday spirit.