Music impacts mood and perspective
March 1, 2021

Music accurately depicts the way in which one feels through a singular beat. Throughout any experience in life, whether one is at the bottom of the sea or the top of the world, music helps bring meaning to the thoughts floating in one’s head. Even when listening to music alone, you really are never alone. In a song, the artist is speaking to you, singing to you, expressing themselves to you all while you are learning more about yourself just from the way in which you listen and choose the music. The lyrics in a song directly reflect on personal experiences endured by the artist, and relate to significantly more people than one may think. Music helps put raw emotions into functioning sentences. Not many people think much about their go-to music type, but realistically, it reveals a lot more about the psyche than one may assume. Sit down and close your eyes. Let the song, the vibes, the music, the lyrics sink into your teeth, into your skin and just let it take over for the three minutes that it plays. Music allows one to escape the world and enter their own vortex of happiness and depth.
Before the pandemic hit, many people would say that the importance of music stems from the collective process of experiencing the sounds in a crowded concert. Yes, concerts and festivals bring immaculate vibes to the table, but music is significantly more deep than just a beat to jump around to. The second the vibrations and flow of music begins, the song touches the soul of the listener and brings sanity to their lives. To put into perspective, when one turns their bluetooth speaker on full blast during a shower, why does one decide to listen to music in the shower in the first place? Arguably, the shower is a situation of pure vulnerability, you are literally and figuratively opening your mind and body to the music you choose to play. If you are performing your own personalized world tour from the comfort of your shower and the song of choice is, for example, by John Mayer, it is fairly accurate to assume that you are feeling relaxed and calm, maybe even nostalgic of the summer. However, if DaBaby starts to blast on the speaker, it is safe to say that you are in the mood to yell on the top of your lungs and “bop” to your emotions. Whatever the song of choice may be, it can reveal multifactorial elements of personality. Why choose a heavy metal rock song at a concert? Why choose a country song on the beach? Take into consideration the personalities of the people you know and their taste in music. Is it making more sense now? I thought so. It doesn’t matter what type of music one likes, or whether or not they are judged for their pure obsession with Pink Floyd (not referring to myself of course), as long as you find the lyrical and beat genius that aids you in your exploration of individuality, take pride in it because music is the start of a future of pure happiness and contentment.
Close your eyes and imagine your favorite movie scene. In every important scene in a movie, whether it be a scene on the beach or in a rainstorm, what is playing? A soundtrack, the score, because music helps people identify and understand their emotions rather than just feeling alone in their situation. A movie soundtrack is the foundation of the emotions that the audience is intended to feel in a scene. Music proves that you are not the first nor last to experience whatever it is that you are confronting. Whether or not one is in need of an emotional interpreter, background music in any circumstance helps enhance the level of sentiment the audience experiences. Music is a way for artists to connect to people around the world in ways that text messages and regular conversation can not express. The emotions behind the words in a song, embedded into your mind with a beat, allow for deep emotional connections between artist and the beholder.