Mr. Synderman dazzles the crowd in Las Vegas!

April 19, 2017

Emelia Keller

Mr. Snyderman takes the title of Mr. East!

Jenna Simons and Gabriella Friedman

Look out Cherry Hill High School East, because Josh Snyder (“17) (aka Mr. Snyderman) will be rocking your world Friday, April 21 at the annual Mr. East pageant.  Mr. Snyderman divulges that he got his name from his favorite cartoon character as a kid, Spider Man.  Spider Man’s determined nature will carry Mr. Snyderman to reign superior through all contenstants of the Mr. East. Though he won’t share any intimate details, it is known that his act will include, “balls, sweat and a lot of tears”. Even though his biggest competitor, Cedric Middleton, dropped out of Mr. East, Mr. Snyderman still has one contestant that he sees as a threat. Christine Termine (Mr. Rice Chris-py) is a big competitor, according to Snyder.  Mr. Snyderman in excited for a time to show off his talents and vie for the title of Mr. East. “Get ready for a spectacular show” said Mr. Snyderman. He is confident that he won’t let the crowd down.

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