Luke’s Care Packages
March 1, 2016
A couple of months ago, I started a small organization called Luke’s Care Packages after finding an abundant amount of feminine clothes that I’d never wear again. Luke’s Care Packages is an organization that I created in order to benefit other transgender individuals around the country. I receive donations – whether it be clothing, accessories, or money – and use it to send out Care Packages. The packages vary based on need. For someone, it could be filled with makeup and dresses, whereas for someone else, it could be filled with more masculine clothing, packers and binders. Monetary donations are used to pay for shipping or anything inside the packages that can’t be donated, such as binders and packers.
Through friends and various social media platforms, I was able to spread the word about Luke’s Care Packages. Soon, people were beginning to find me, located anywhere from Pennsylvania to California. Recently, I sent out my 500th package.
Two years ago, when I wanted to come out as transgender but couldn’t, I would’ve wanted more than anything to be able to have masculine clothing, a binder, or a packer. A year ago, when I finally came out, I was ecstatic when I got my first binder. Each and every day living as me has made me happier. The thought of being able to do that for people makes everything worth it to me.

The fact that five hundred packages have gone out all over the country in such a short amount of time completely blows my mind. I never expected it to get this far or be this successful. However, a majority of these packages rely on donations just because of shipping. The last fifty or so packages have had to come out of hundreds of dollars from my pocket money. I hope to have donations coming in soon so that I can continue to send more packages out.
I get messages every day or every other day from people all around the United States asking for packages. Having this blow up so much is astonishing to me. I hope that soon, I won’t be limited to only the United States.