Future Entrepreneurs with Girls who Start Clubs is a brand new club at East.
Future Entrepreneurs with Girls Who Start Clubs
Instagrams: @eastentrepreneurs & @girlswhostart.che
Entrepreneurs with Girls Who Start Clubs has brought a new business angle, geared specifically to guide aspiring entrepreneurs at East.
“Ever since I was young, I’ve always liked coming up with ideas to solve problems,” says cofounder Julia Chan (‘23). These words have sparked the beginning of the Future Entrepreneurs with Girls who Start club, which seeks to enrich all members, with a primal focus on women in terms of business. With the introduction of this club at East, a new chapter of the Girls who Start organization is launched.
Co-founders Julia Chan, Arsha Garg (‘23), Elisa Goodman (‘22) and Lalitha Viswanathan (‘22) started the club with the purpose of inspiring business-oriented students and teaching members to take calculated risks. So far, their first club meeting consisted of a talk with Dr. Joann Halpern, the director of the Hasso Plattner Institute in New York.
This meeting allowed for the club to discuss her achievements in the business world and take inspiration from her story. Anyone interested or participating in the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) or those taking business classes can come to learn and be encouraged to fulfill their potential.
For a more in-depth look at what they discuss, the members bring new ideas, also known as productions, and brainstorm the target market. They then figure out the first steps of initiating the business idea, and figure out the best solution for the product. Through activities such as these, “members really learn about leadership and how to take your ideas to the next level” says Chan.

Not only that, this club also prepares members for interviews, and provides guidance on how to ask proper questions when interviewing people – crucial skills for a future in the business field and in life.
In the future, the club plans to host a hackathon, where a problem is presented and a solution is found. The club will also invite more speakers with their success stories.
Entrepreneurs with Girls Who Start Club seeks to enrich business students as well as build the confidence within young women in the entrepreneur world. In joining this club, not only can students form new skill sets, but they also have opportunities to meet with successful business people and form a close-knit community of future entrepreneurs.
In order to join the google classroom for Entrepreneurs with Girls Who Start, feel free to contact rafriedman@chclc.org or dm one of the instagrams listed below.