Eric Ji as Mr. Ji-sus

Q: What is your Mr. East name and what is the significance of it?
A: “My Mr. East name is Mr. Ji-sus. I feel like this really represents me because I am a very influential and well-loved figure of the community.”
Q: What pop star did you choose to represent and why?
A: “I chose Justin Beiber because he also kind of has a bowl haircut and I’m kind of dressed like him already, right? So I feel like it fits me.”
Q: How have you prepared for the competition so far?
A: “I watched a few videos but mostly everybody’s like “Oh, you should do it because they have these things and you should do those.” But, rehearsal and stuff.”
Q: What are you most looking forward to in the competition?
A: “I’m looking forward to going on stage, having my friends cheer me on, making people laugh.”
Q: Who do you feel is your biggest competitor and why?
A: “I feel Chris Korneyev: my number one competitor. I feel like I’ve known him for a pretty long time and he’s a really funny dude. I know he’s got something in store for me but I don’t know what it is. So, I’m just going to see what it is.”