Yena Son (’22)

Andy Branin speaks on behalf of his father, Ed Branin, at the 2021 Athletic Fall of Fame Induction.

Ed Branin (Contributor)

December 8, 2021

Ed Branin became CHE’s assistant principal in charge of budgeting and athletic administration and support. He actively supported the athletic teams and coaches to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, Ed Branin is no longer with us and therefore represented by his children: Bonnie Treynor (71), Kim Branin (1973), Andy Branin (1977), and Tom Branin (1982). His son Andy speaks on behalf of him:

“An immense honor to honor him and represent him today”
“Reflecting on memories, with an attempt to do him justice”

“My father was dedicated to serving others…he was a man of courage and a man of faith…took advantage of the opportunities given to him”

“Words were meaningless if they were not represented by actions”

“He did not just tell you good luck, he showed up”

“He would have felt so honored, and he would have enjoyed seeing all of the familiar faces here this afternoon”

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