The Business Club is a brand new club at Cherry Hill East.
Business Club
Google Classroom: eupsc2z
Instagram: @chebusinessclub
While this school year may not seem like a practical time and place to start a club, due to the online format, the new Business Club at East hopes to inspire the next generation of business students.
“A lot of people really enjoy this part of business, but they don’t really know what to do with it,” says club vice-president Daniel Obeid (‘21).
The leaders of the club, including President Abby Alexander (‘22), Vice President Daniel Obeid (‘21), Financial officer Caleb Unterlack (‘22), and secretary/social media manager Maya Sides (‘21), hope to use the club to help East’s business students better apply and understand what they learn in the classroom to have success both in school and in outside life.
“This is to help [students] succeed later in life,” adds Obeid.
Much of the club is focused around two main goals. The first is to help students in the business competition Deca. For example, the club hosted a “Paper Prep Night,” to help students with their Deca papers.
“Our goal is to enhance people’s ability to do better throughout [Deca],” says Unterlack.

(Courtesy of @chebusinessclub Instagram)
The second major goal is to take what students learn in the classroom and to apply it to real life.
“I just wanted to say how hands-on this club is,” says Obeid.
The club has planned events such as participating in the MLK service project by writing cards for healthcare workers. Another major project still in the works is an outreach program. In this program, the club will pick a local business which struggles with exposure and marketing and help them gain a larger presence in the community.
“We are doing projects to help other businesses in the community,” says Unterlack.
This type of community service is especially valuable during the pandemic, which has ravaged small local businesses. Not only this, but it will provide much needed real-world experience and applications for students who learned these business practices in the classroom.
For now, the club has just been starting up, beginning necessary procedures such as electing and introducing the leaders of the club, as well as planning their events.
“We are hoping in the new year to get things started more,” says Alexander.
This includes the varying service projects on MLK day, as well as helping out small businesses with outreach.
For now, the club has held their meetings over google meet, conducting their operations fully online for the time being. The leaders of the club stress how impactful this club can be, and that even if someone does not participate in Deca, they can still have an impact in the community through the Business Club.
“If you really want to work together for a goal and make a real difference, this is the club for you,” says Obeid.