Aiden Rood

In my family, baking Christmas cookies any time before December 20th is a great way to make sure there will be none left by the holiday morning. Since we’d rather wait a few more days to bake than risk eating all the treats too early, finding something else to make in the pre-Christmas weeks often satisfies our baking urges. This year, I made peanut butter snowballs, which have a sweet and creamy filling, with a shell of white chocolate coated around it. After doing some research for a good recipe online, I found one with great reviews from, which you can access here. Initially, I was disappointed with how these treats turned out. While they did have a nice holiday snowball visual, the consistency and taste were sub-par. I was surprised, however, when I took a bite of one the next day and found the texture and taste had improved greatly. While the recipe says they just need to set for around 10 minutes, I’d recommend giving the snowballs more time, as the consistency and flavors are able to become richer when properly set. After initially rating the snowballs a 3/10, I was pleased to find that with a bit of patience, you can whip up some 9/10 peanut butter snowballs with ease.
Aiden Rood

In my family, baking Christmas cookies any time before December 20th is a great way to make sure there will be none left by the holiday morning. Since we’d rather wait a few more days to bake than risk eating all the treats too early, finding something else to make in the pre-Christmas weeks often satisfies our baking urges. This year, I made peanut butter snowballs, which have a sweet and creamy filling, with a shell of white chocolate coated around it. After doing some research for a good recipe online, I found one with great reviews from, which you can access here. Initially, I was disappointed with how these treats turned out. While they did have a nice holiday snowball visual, the consistency and taste were sub-par. I was surprised, however, when I took a bite of one the next day and found the texture and taste had improved greatly. While the recipe says they just need to set for around 10 minutes, I’d recommend giving the snowballs more time, as the consistency and flavors are able to become richer when properly set. After initially rating the snowballs a 3/10, I was pleased to find that with a bit of patience, you can whip up some 9/10 peanut butter snowballs with ease.