Politicians discuss Global Warming issues. (Courtesy of http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/)
Politicians discuss Global Warming issues.

Courtesy of http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/

Why Politicians Should Stop Denying Global Warming?

December 2, 2016

Scientists have known for years that the human race was the cause of the deteriotion of the planet Earth. From the warmer seas, to the longer lived droughts, scientist predict that in 2050 the sea levels will rise about a foot or two higher. This may not be significant but, as Hurricanes come, no one will be able to predict the outcome. Take for example Hurricane Matthew and how catastrophic it was to the people of Florida and the surrounding countries and states. Scientists predict that since Global Warming induces Climate Change, our whole world will be different in less than fifty years.

The Paris Agreement, that identifies policies to combat climate change, and global warming, signed by 55 countries, including United States and China. President Barack Obama’s signature, provided the much needed coalition, and the world crossed the threshold needed to bring the Paris Agreement into force. He and his administration’s understanding about global warming made this action possible. Prince of Wales in May 2013, spoke out against Global Warming deniers and lobbyists, and his voice influenced the public opinion about global warming. The European Countries, ahead of most countries in the world started their “clean world” effect in 1990s, and the people in Europe state that Climate Change is the second most important issue in the world. President Barack Obama and his administration took actions for reducing the carbon emissions in the United States, and these policy actions made US a role model and a partaker in ending the Global Warming. Unfortunately, there are other politicians who think Global Warming is a “Hoax”, and they oppose to the policies that are signed for reducing the amount of carbon print, and pollution. President-elect Donald Trump is “not a believer” of Global Warming. He has come out to say, he will be pulling out of Paris Agreement, finding it pointless. Paris Agreement puts sanctions in energy source use, and promotes non-carbon base energy source generation, and overall has financial effect that forces the countries to build newer technologies for energy generation, and limits old energy source use. Without United States’ commitment, other countries would have a legitimate reason to pull out of Paris Agreement and say why they should be the ones to pay the price for those sanctions. With deniers like the President-elect Donald Trump, not only people but the world we live in will get affected by the decisions of the non-believers.

In a 2014 study, Climate change and Global Warming denial hit a six-year high “with 23 percent of Americans saying they do not believe in global warming, and 53 percent saying they do not believe global warming is human-caused.” With the public being uneducated of the severity of Global Warming, Politicians can continue to pass bills driving the constant pollution. One example of this would be President-elect Donald Trump opening up oil pipes like Keystone XL, causing a huge chance of water contamination from Illinois to Texas. The Senator of Alaska Lisa Murkowski, and many other Congressman give more emphasis on economy then the environment, and they believe in the “no-regrets policy”, stating we should support the bills without regarding their impact on the environment. However, if there is not a planet we can continue to survive on, then the economy will be the least of our problems. With any action/bill with the mindset of putting the environment last, the planet we call Earth will slowly but surely die away in our hands.

Just like the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the animals, the habit will take years to rebuild and restore if more and more fossil fuel pipelines or factories continue to open. If Politicians continue to deny Global Warming, open oil wells in oceans, or more coal/oil mines, then our generation and our children will be the one who will see the end of our habitat, Earth. The People should expect their Politicians to have knowledge about scientific facts of Global Warming and Climate Change.

See How Climate Change Is Transforming The Landscapes Of Our Planet

[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/snappa11/see-how-climate-change-is-transforming-the-landscapes-of-our-planet”]

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