Despite COVID-19, East students have still managed to create new and exciting clubs.
Introducing the New Clubs at East
Remy Abrams, Tomer Goldfinger, Brielle Lampf, Jessica Levin, Vivian Rong, Melissa Vital, Abby Yu, and Alena Zhang
With the new year comes new additions to the long list of clubs at East. COVID-19 has provided more free time to students, and with this newly found time, many have taken advantage by creating new clubs as they have become a kind of solace. To learn more about some new clubs introduced during the 2020-2021 school year and how to join, please refer to the articles below and access links that will direct you to the clubs’ platforms!

Business Club
Google Classroom: eupsc2z Instagram: @chebusinessclub While this school year may not seem like a practical time and place to start a club, due to the online format, the new Business Club at East hopes to inspire the next generation of business students. “A lot of people really enjoy this part of business, but they don’t really know what to do with it,” says club vice-president Daniel Obeid (�...

Bring Change to Mind
Google Classroom: r275sqn Instagram: @che.bc2m In the midst of craziness and uncertainty in the current climate, it is crucial to remain conscious of the well-being of yourself and loved ones. Two caring East students, Abby Yu (‘23) and Brielle Lampf (‘23), combined their passion for “eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health” by bringing the Bring Change 2 Mind (BC2M) club to E...

Cherry Hill East Little Mentors
Instagram: @chelittlementors Google Classroom Code: vlbsylo CHE Little Mentors has brought a fresh perspective in terms of volunteering to the East community. With Teddy talks, activities to benefit the local community, and outreach opportunities, this club is suited for anyone who is interested in helping the Cherry Hill region and beyond. The chapter was brought to East by Humna Hassan (�...

Cherry Hill East Writing Club
Google Classroom: gk76w2j Instagram: @chewritingclub The Cherry Hill East Writing Club has combined creativity with community service, and is seeking to make writing fun. People often associate writing with long boring essays or analysis on an English book. However, writing goes deeper than the surface of just these things. They are able to use it as an opportunity to show their creative side. V...

East Musicians on Call
Instagram: @east_musiciansoncall East Musicians on call is a widely expanding club that was introduced at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, right in the midst of the growing Covid-19 pandemic. President and founder of the club, Christopher Shin (‘23), is looking to enrich all students, no matter what age, in the education of music. “Our goal is to provide an open platform for Eas...

E-Sports Club
Google Classroom: susjkm2 Instagram: @eastesportsclub Throughout quarantine, students have shifted to the use of technology in order to stay in touch with friends and many students, including junior Stefano Sul (‘22), have had more time for videogames. Sul, president of the new club entitled E-Sports decided to start a club surrounding video games as a way to initiate virtual gatherings of Ea...

Future Entrepreneurs with Girls Who Start Clubs
Instagrams: @eastentrepreneurs & @girlswhostart.che Entrepreneurs with Girls Who Start Clubs has brought a new business angle, geared specifically to guide aspiring entrepreneurs at East. “Ever since I was young, I’ve always liked coming up with ideas to solve problems,” says cofounder Julia Chan (‘23). These words have sparked the beginning of the Future Entrepreneurs with Girls who S...

Hospital Support Club
Google Classroom: eit6vkn Instagram: @easthospitalsupport The Hospital Support Club is a brand new club that has just recently made its way into Cherry Hill East. With this club, East students now focus their time into volunteering for health occupations. Whether it is spending time in hospitals and working with patients or helping the elderly communities, students are able to experience an...

Physics Club
Google Classroom Code: y77aajf Instagram: @physicsclub.east Even though physics is a subject that is rumored to be the bulk reason for blood, sweat, and tears at East, there does exist a population of people who adore the subject, so much to the point where a club has been formed. Out of the absurd number of new clubs that formed at East during COVID-19, Physics Club is one of its newest addit...

Women in Business
Google Classroom Code: e7gjli2 Instagram: @chewomeninbusiness Email: The Women in Business Club fosters a safe community for women in business to share their thoughts and expand their leadership skills. With motivational speakers who have made their way into top positions and lively discussions, this club is perfect for beginners and experienced alike who want to maxi...
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