East students create Art Sculptures from Newspapers
December 1, 2016
It’s a typical day at Cherry Hill High School East. Students are shuffling through the crowded halls and the morning announcements are only beginning. As the kids make their way to their first class of the day, they notice the grand sculptures made of school newspaper in the corners of the school. A teacher remarks on the impressive structure of the various art pieces. A freshman notes his interest in the East art department.
The sculptures are the product of a Cherry Hill East advanced three dimensional art project. The advanced art students worked diligently with just newspaper and tape to create their pieces. The sculptures range from all different sizes. They were placed in stairwells, next to classrooms and many other pockets of the school. The entire East community has been buzzing about the new-found liveliness the art brings into the building.
The students who created the sculptures are not only talented, but they play a part in their piece. They were assigned the task of creating an abstract sculpture using their own creativity. The sculptures range from robots to architectural designs. Each and every design displays the artist’s vision in a way no other form of art could express. The newspaper is being formed to show how the student is forming their individuality.

Advanced art students are challenged with creating art sculptures.
Olivia Pincus (‘19) reflects on the struggles she faced while completing her sculpture.
“It was pretty difficult to make the structure stay up right since it was so big. It was hard to use [only] tape and newspaper. We had to make sure it looked right,” said Pincus.
Pincus worked with colleagues in her advanced art class to produce the best product possible. She says the team worked on their collective projects for weeks.
The first step was to sketch a design, displaying the vision they had for their project. Once the drawing was approved, the students got to work. They rolled, cut and taped newspaper until their piece was up to standards. Despite the hardships, the student seemed proud to show her designs with the East community.
You can visit East’s art Instagram page at @eastart08003 to view the various projects art students have completed thus far. Students of all grades have contributed to the creative works displayed on the account.